Tax Rates Comparison Tool


Compare Tax Rates By Country Side By Side

This tool lets you simultaneously perform side by side comparison of VAT/GST, corporate tax and income tax rates between multiple countries worldwide

How can tax rates comparison tool help you?

You can quickly compare tax rates in effect in a vast number of countries around the world at once, explore and find out any country's tax regime on the fly. It is very informative when used in combination with the world map of currencies.

You can change the countries list to your needs, so if you don't want to see some country's tax rates, you can remove it and list only the ones you prefer. These setting will be stored on your device.

It can be helpful and informative for planning your budget when travelling abroad. It is also useful for manual billing, invoices with different tax rates. It can be handy when studying accounting, or even planning to start your business abroad, when you have to do tax research.

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